Ice Cube (The Maze), NV

Location: Nevada, RedRocks
Rating: 4B-IV
Longest Rappel: 190'


Ice Cube Canyon is located in the Red Rock area of Nevada and is a excellent trip through an outstanding canyon. A shuttle is set up as shown on the map/gps track or as always you could simply hike in from the exit as needed. Once at the upper trail/parking location, you will find a well defined trail that will quickly have you gaining most of the days elevation and shortly after have you standing at the technical drop in point. Throughout the approach you will have great views overlooking the red rock scenery and the strip off in the distance. Once geared up at the technical section, be prepared for a day of up to nearly 2 dozen rappels depending on your groups approach. Plenty of webbing are rings are recommended to refresh any drops as needed. Shortly after the first few rappels, a great section of narrows are encountered that get you warmed for the many drops to come. A few drops throughout the canyon have been know to stick ropes in the past and from our view these were fairly obvious when encountered. A quick observation, a few well place items, a well laid out rope, was rewarded with a smooth pull and made light work of any concern. Soon after this first section of narrows, the canyon opens up to a great spot to relax and enjoy lunch before pressing on. Working down canyon towards the next section of narrows is quite wide and no raps are encountered for a bit. Eventually this level ground cliffs out as the canyon once again begins to tighten up. Moving forward, the canyon and its remaining drops will have your group throwing rope consistently for the rest of the day. In addition to the 200' rope required for the larger drops, our group also brought along several 100' ropes to keep pushing and speed things up in an effort to avoid the bottle neck of people waiting to get on rope at each station. Lots of great scenery are encountered throughout the canyon and after many rappels and short swims you will soon find yourself staring down the last drop of around 190' with a view of the vehicle in the distance. Make your way down to the open rocky section below and remove gear. From here it is a short rock hop down the remaining canyon to the wash, where soon a trail leading out can be found on the left. Once on trail, it is smooth sailing back to the vehicle where you can unpack, get your second vehicle, and make your way out of the park. 




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